Friday, March 19, 2010

An Amazing Global Environmental Job Listing Service

I recently stumbled upon an amazing international environmental job listing service.  Its name is Stopdodo - Global Portal for Environmental Jobs & Resumes.  Its job listings can be viewed in fourteen different major languages.  Stopdodo lists jobs from many different countries and it's apparently establishing several offices around the world.  You can even post your resume on the Stopdodo site for potential environmental job employers to view.

Stopdodo has the tremendous potential of becoming the number one environmental job listing service in the world.  For now, it needs to work on getting many more new listings added every day.  Ideally it would have a minimum of hundreds of new job openings being posted daily.  It also needs to increase it's job categories - for example it apparently has no category covering environmental law jobs (at least I could't find any obvious environmental law category).

Stopdodo's site is at  It can also be viewed at